Sunday, February 11, 2007

Big ears around the house...

Last week, we welcomed a temporary addition to our family... Serena, or Orejona ("Big Ears") as we call her, is a 4 month old mut. She was half starved and completely covered in fleas when she arrived. Here she is recieving her 3rd bath upon arrival. With love and a little food she has transition from a sad street kid into a mischevious little - almost house broken - puppy. Although I was hesitant at first about having her, we quickly became buddies. Cyn and I have shared socks and old t-shirts which we use for tug of war. Meal time is especially exciting of course. She's dying for attention and we happily abide. It was hard to leave her at the baby-sitter for the weekend as we made our trip south to meet up with Jason, Tyler and Michele - my brothers and sister-in-law. More soon on their visit...


Karen DeLucas said...

who is giving who a bath. Cynthia looks just as wet! He looks like he's going to be a lot of fun!

Looking forward to hearing about Ty, Michele and Jason's visit.

miss ya,

MOM said...

The new addition to the family is...ah....really.....cute. Love the ears!!
It is a dog, isn't it??
See you in a couple weeks.